The Torriani Gianni S.n.c. company was found in 1973 by Mr.Torriani Gianni. In time it kept on increasing its production of bearings as quantity, diameter and typology.
At present Torriani Gianni S.n.c. production has N°910 different type of bearings from a diameter of 234mm to a diameter of 2500mm; ball bearings, crosser bearings, two runway ball bearings.
The year's production is about 25.000 bearing, the 85 % of whose is for export. Over more 290.000 digging machines, air platforms, cranes, funfairs, machine tools, purification plants are working with TG bearings. Everyday, more than 160 people in the world, visit, talk about and suggest TG bearings.
Everyday about 100 new machines are manufactured using TG bearings. 42 sell - agents located in the world, over more 4000 customers satisfied with TG product.
» Bearings with Internal Gear
» Bearings with External Gear
» Bearings without Gear
» Slewing Rings
» Worm Gear and Slewing Ring
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